This post was published in December 2008 and may contain facts or opinion that are no longer current.

IWF Reverse Wikipedia Ban Decision

By way of an update to my earlier post, The Guardian reported late on Tuesday that the Internet Watch Foundation has decided to reverse “its ban on a Wikipedia page and image of a record album cover showing a young nude girl”.

This apparently “unprecedented move” (of what, jackasses changing their mind when they’re clearly wrong?) is a brilliant thing. As though it couldn’t get better, they even admitted that it actually had the opposite effect to what they’d intended. In other words, many more people have seen the album cover now.

This whole situation is hilarious. They’ve now admitted that they can, at times, be wrong, which is going to make life a hell of a lot more difficult for them in the future. Enjoy, IWF. Here’s a link to their press release.

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From 08PM on Thursday December 11, 2008

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