This post was published in September 2009 and may contain facts or opinion that are no longer current.

The Time TfL Were Crap #247

Transport for London send weekly emails about which London Underground lines and stations are going to be closed to maintenance and improvement work on the weekend. This is from the one titled “Weekend line and station closures 5/6 September 2009”:

Piccadilly line trains will not stop at King’s Cross St. Pancras station due to station improvement work on Saturday. For further details and alternative routes, please click here

Which is why I was really pleased to be standing at that very station at 6pm yesterday (Sunday the 6th) with no Piccadilly line trains stopping there. If you’re going to go as far as sending out an email to warn people, how about checking it’s actually right?

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From 08AM on Monday September 07, 2009

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